Wednesday, 29 February 2012

the idea behind this is that the one would be somebody. one can be used to be refered to a person. i played around with the one person in the million and the million being the room he is in.
 all apple pc but one of the lights on the front is a pear. 1 in a million

 allpe pc. apple fruit.

 millions of weres wallys one of them doing something different.

i thought i would include myself instead of anothers weres wally as i thought it would help see the one standing out and would also have a comical affect.
 lottery relates to money . million related to million. i wanted to have one lottery ball saying one million.
here i made one of the soldiers different by puting him with modern military equipment.

the one in the million doing and being differnt.
here i was playing with sweets felated with abundance also they are called millions.
 this one has a different colourd sweet to highlight the one in the million
 here i made a 1 sweet and included it into the pile of millions
 a close up . playing with composition
 srawing one in the million
 using hundreds and thosands to ilistrate the one in the millon
 hundreds and thosands in the one.
one hidden in the million just ledgable.

 the idea for this work was to give that one in a million a personality. becouse the meaning of the saying is chigliting that one person that is different to the rest.

 using ones as a brush to make up the million and a higher case one. also the abundace of ones inforses the idea of abundace employing millions.

 different variations of using the one within the million
again with the same idea but using tipe of the word one instead of the symbol