Friday, 25 November 2011

 from working with the cone i got the verdict that the cone was to simple of a shape and didnt visualy show movement. from studying come shapes i discoverd the vortex of water when u put the plug on a sink has great movement qualities and a cone cinda shape! RESULT . from workin in my sketchbook i disided to creake a sires of there that could be held from the sealing or pushing out from the walls.

once fired and glazed il put up a few images of them exsibited!
wax cones!

 makeing a cone grow!i wanted to show the consept that you can make something look like its not growing but i actualy is. these photos were taken from asiries over a 3 hour piriod.
 awsome textures.
 here i was experimenting with makeing a sculpture with cling film and latex. i tried to captue the cone shape of a wortex of water.
 here wee can see the patern of the cling fily. this is very interesting.
 this happend when i startes to poor latex on to the inside of the clingfilm.
it really highlights the direction of flow very graphicly. sadyly it didnt have the same affect once dry. sdly the layer of latex was to thin makeing it very transparent.
 i took the bare shape of the static tight and brought it into situations it would never be found.
i tried in this image to make it look like the cone has grown from the ground. i used the tree in the backgroud to conpliment the idea of growth!

 I really wanted to have them glowin almost alien like.
i had the idea while visiting dublin to create smaller spires to symolise regrowth within the country. happy art work. there are to many depressing sculptures in citys so by creating something symboling good it will show were not all doom and gloom.

finished paper static tight!

I put the statue behing it to show the contrast of real stone.

my fake rock static tights. i put it on its side to put it out of its comfort area.
thus creating i different dimention.